Hannahmac the artist Nice work on the photo album updates Hannah....all I can say is WOW!
...this has gotten the hamsters running on the wheel, and me thinks a G-string exchange party could be fun too...certain ground rules would be...
LMAO...all about the food!
47 & 47...we are self employed (together) running a real estate equity fund. Swaaaayiiiing....and all of you at TTR make it epic!
Lol...rock paper scissors on who is the caboose! Headed to Dave Matthews!
So does this mean you two have finally called it quits, and Brent is now available?:icon_wink:
So....would it be wrong to wake wifey from her couch slumber with the dogs by pouring ice cold Goldschlager on her for body shots...anyone?...
Post #5000 holy sh*t that was post number 5000 on this thread...I feel like somebody should get me a shot, lol
It's Vegas, baby! Sounds fun...but Just for the record, those hallways at the Wynne are really long when competing in naked wheelbarrow...
All I can say is somebody better have a big ass suite...this could be a room/house party for the record books with this crew...Kyle?
LOL...Boobie free zones are such a bummer!
Trip Five ...we will be making the long drive in from Puerto Morelos for Oct 3-7 at TTR for Octoberbreast, the sequel. :daveandmo::flash:
I vote for..."Nipple jewelry night"...I will bring plenty of starter kits to share...
WE would be that couple...we are doing three nights at Pearl then four at TTR...we have been to Pearl once before and loved it. We have been to...
Very well said Amy!
Music Was there music on the Boobs Cruise? I can't even remember a single song from it...guess my brain diverted all capacity to visuals, due...
New favorite term..."Girl Piles" lol Hope everybody is having a great March, we are in Park City for P's Birthday week, enjoying some great...
Sounds like you made the right call...TTR is cool because of the people that go there, that's what makes the party and the place. GOV might be a...