There's an idea...what is your personal favorite AIWC flavor?...and why?
Headed to see Slightly Stoopid and G Love tomorrow night, otherwise just the usual "Tito's n Tittys"
Great idea! And perhaps Original Resorts folks would get on board if we turned toy exchange into a charity event...we could all donate 10...
I knew that, but figured I would leave it up to you guys to mention, since it is a very personal issue. Thank you. I think Octoberbreast has...
So how about this for an idea...we are donating the bracelets to the cause, but we would like the couples accepting them to make a pledge to make...
Get well Trav![IMG] schoolgirl night outfit is here!
Bracelets are here...[IMG][IMG]
What's not to like! S-O-L-D!
The entrepreneur in me is all give me $20 a couple, and I will use the money to upgrade to a suite, where we will of course host a...
Wtf?...are you sure that's not a wine opener?...we have a broad selection, but that's a new one...reminds me of a...oh, never mind :wink:
You are just scared to get nekkid in public, lol...don't knock it till you have tried it! Kyle has a legit dilemma, we chose to start at Pearl in...
Ahhhh...does Santa still have a beard? That would be a Y-E-S from us :69:
It's about 6 hrs, but you spend an hour on the beach midway for least thats what I have been told, suffered major CRS due to...
extra special nipple bling for Nikki it is :bowdown:
[IMG] Happy Sun Day Fun Day
Let's get the DJ going...Oooonnntzz...Ooooonnntzzz..
Who isn't...everybody loves a nipple...
Of course, we are a full service operation! We even conduct free how-to workshops...
...oh and we are bringing nipple jewelry for friends!
[IMG] Happy Friday!