Sounds like it does anyway but thanks mate, you're right, need to get off my lazy ass and go get some quotes!
Looks like i'm going to have to go and visit a few insurance companies then. Surely someone can tell me how the deductible works, is it per visit...
Are you telling me that there are people that work for big companies in Mexico that are corrupt, no way, I just cant believe that for one second!...
Sent you a PM on facebook Steve.
Front of Por Esto said today that it wasn't a person shot, they just drove through Yaxilan and shot up a series of 'possible zeta owned' shops...
My wife read it off a scribbled note near some dead bodies in Por Esto newspaper. Unfortunately she showed me some images as well :wuerg011:
Well after the statement from the Pelones or whoever they are saying they are in Cancun and going to wipe out all Zetas, I think we're in for a...
So what happens when you you go and get treatment in Australia, their government/health care programme pays for it? I take it they don't send...
How does the insurances work here? For instance I was in the States and someone said they pay monthly and they have a like a certain amount a year...
Mat's right, you won't find much here as a tourist for anything less than $75 and that's a twilight round. Some morning fees i've seen start at...
I reckon you should start at Mayakoba and just go in and sell yourself. I reckon most clubs should have a professional but one thing Cancun needs...
Indeed it is! :)
Been here four and half years now, can't believe I haven't seen Akumal yet!
Looks like a good camera, $250 on ebay in the states, i bet about umm 12,000 pesos here in Sams, if they have them? We have a canon rebel for on...
Thanks for the info. Is there a specific beach I should be looking for or part of a beach? I have a car so we'll drive down there one weekend...
I was wondering if anyone had any info on Snorkeling with Sea Turtles in Akumal? Is there a certain time of year to go and can this be done...
Last time i watched it was on Fox Sports, which is Sky Channel 520 or 1520 in HD. Should also be on Cable as well, think it's channel 19 or 20,...
That's a bargain, wish i was there to take advantage but i'm in the US till 24th! Doesn't mention cost for young kids that i can see? Have to keep...
so all we have is beaches north of Puerto Morelos? What about nice beaches before you get to Playa Del Carmen? I think my best bet is to head to...
This topic got me thinking, it would be really great if we had like a page where we could add information to that had details of things on and...