Cowgirl first week somewhere please
I second this make it so number one
That would be great cowgirl in place of latex...thank you
Hi all a suggestion for the first week 2nd to the 9th how about throwing an old classic easier night such as school girl or cowgirl night in there...
July 2nd to the ninth. Bringing a group of 8 with us.....getting close to party time. Oh yeah trip 15 or 16 not sure.
3105 when ever we can get it....prefect location and no stairs
15 can't wait for16 in July
Well we now have a group of 8 coming working on making it 10 party people, July 2nd through the 9th. Count down begins
Great seeing you guys again too. We are going back July 2nd for 8 days
Sorry guys no April this year but we are doing July
Looks like July 2nd to the 10th...trip 15ish can't remember. We are bringing some temptation virgins with us. Can't wait to party again.
Liver i guess liver! Its just scared you'll be fine lol
Hmmm first timers don't worry we won't bite.....much! See you soon
Drinks are on in body shots....wooo hoooo
Packing underway i can taste the morning ceasers now followed by a steady diet of sky and soda ......oh yeah just got the liver twitching and...
Theme night outfits packed and ready to go
Rock Star [IMG]
[IMG] School girl
Here's a rave night for you, for neon just do like bright 80's type shirts you know the Wham outfit you have hiding in the closet. [IMG]
We will see you all at patty o's we should get to the hotel about 8.45