Now just curious but do you think that rate listed might include the room charge that is paid for with the contract...i think mine is like 30 a...
No email here yet
A big bottle of water there is not a lot of shade on the boat, your going to want to stay hydrated.
Does that make us evil people?
I say the hot tubs in the pool...3pm ish?
Really!!! You guys suck, personally I want to see the newbies suffer as we did lol. Something to be said for learning the hardway plus it's fun...
Verify the months of intensive liver training have paid off.
Ajrighty then 2 more all signed up! Bring it on Chino's
Two weeks.....that is all
We get in on the second so barring the first day curse we may make an appearance
same dates see you at the sexy pool!
Hold on hold on.....this is Temptation....5 shots is also know as breakfast!
Now it's real room paid for flight paid for and most importantly USA Transfers booked...all thats left to say is Lets Get Ready To Party...
25 more days
2nd to the 9th
Bringing you a gaggle of cruise virgins mate 8 in total
30 days....30 more freaking days. Can someone please find out how to speed up time!
Dont be nervous we only nibble not bite!
Just looked at the date...cant stop smiling 33 days and counting.....oh yeah going to party like rock stars...ok maybe older semi retired rock...
Welcome to the party guys.