A majority is already too much! ;)
October 29 - Nov 5! Hit me up if you're down while I am - I can use some TTR friends this trip!
I don't remember any of it!!!
I agree with trychaser and others can likely shine more light as I usually travel solo so never have that opportunity... But it seems security is...
I never ever saw hockey on during in the Sport's bar when I was down during the 2010 playoffs. Some restaurants in town advertise heavy that they...
Hey everyone, it looks like once again I'm heading down to TTR as a single! I'm planning on Halloween dates, but haven't booked yet. If anyone...
Greetings to all my friends I haven't seen in a while! I'm looking at going down for Halloween too. Glad to know people are already planning...
I'm flying down first thing in the morning, see you guys there!
See you in 2 days!
See you guys soon!
I used exclusively US cash and my credit card last trip. Only saw pesos when I took the bus and I gave that change to the maid. Even when I got...
Silly Chet! We both know the single ladies are on the list waiting for us! Not the other way around!
Yes, that part is true. It takes up a day and it's a lot of time on a bus. They'll try to break it up by stopping at a cenote and somewhere for...
I did the Chichen Itza tour when I was there last year; it was my one trip off the resort. It seemed fine to me, but if you want to know more...
At the time I thought I was with two hot ladiez!
Why, hello SandyT and your 2 lovely single friends... :aktion069:
I never saw any shows last year (although I was always watching Jim be silly). Hopefully I get to see (or be invited to) a few this year!
My money is sent!
I am traveling solo as well. This group here makes it so easy to travel alone! My sob story isn't quite as bad as Brandon44906's, but it's close!
Everyone that met me last year are still trying to forget me... So things don't just go away with just a little ointment...