You bet, Boobs Cruise on the 4th!
My charter moved my return flight up 20 MINUTES. 20 minutes people! Now I need to cram the same amount of fun into less time. HELP ME!
7... if you count the bartenders
But of that 50, how many actually LIKE you???:mnm:
I would also say to leave your inhibitions at home, and maybe pack a spare liver! Good luck with Suzanne! ;)
You're forgetting to leave the underwear at home!
Look forward to meeting you guys!
I signed up to go with Jim and the gang on November 4th! If anyone is going on the 31st and want a single guy hanging around I'd go twice - I...
I've never managed to catch a balcony show when I've been there :( If someone is having one Oct 29- Nov 5, let me know.. ;)
I get to hang with Keith again? JACKPOT
If it's like most times, once I find one - I find you all!
Looks like my first night at Paty O's will be spent tracking everyone down! Help me out and say hi if you see me first! I'll need all the...
For Canadians, there's a WagJag deal I saw today: WagJag - 70% off Hot Adult Costumes at Kiss to Tease (Two Options) Lasts four more days, 70%...
27? You plan on taking it easy???
As everyone has said, it's a full day and ridiculously hot. I booked my tour at the hotel the day before. It came with a coach bus, stop at a...
Same here!
Give me a shout when you're going and I'll go with you!
That's what she said! (that makes no sense, I know)
The more the merrier - everyone jump on board!
What they all said ^ You know what to expect and hit the ground running. Plus you already have friends there or have made new ones here. And...