I'm young and single, plenty of me to go around!
I guess it's too late to suggest a Ménage à trois with Metman theme?
October 27 - November 3!
The money has exchanged hands. Oct 27-Nov 3!!
I heading back for trip #4 over Halloween! If any single lady wants to share a room and avoid the singles' surcharge then let me know!
Like everyone says, if you're not a clown it's fine. I've been three times now and have not had a single problem because I am super respectful....
Trip #4!! Aiming for Oct 27-Nov 3! If there's any single ladies that want to split a room and avoid the single's surcharge then let me know....
Back by popular* demand..... I'm coming back for Hallowe'en again this year! If there's any single ladies that want to split a room and avoid...
My flight has been delayed an hour! Better be the only frustrating tease this week!
Bet on it! See you there!
I'll be in first class on my direct charter flight to TTR in 15 hours!!
My plane leaves in 15 hours. BOOM
I'm going. So that should tell you it's awesome.
I think we have the best group of people for our Boobs Cruise of the entire month. Lucky us!
Man, it's be a slow death watching all you guys go before me. 3 days!!
SO JEALOUS. I'm in the air a week from now!
You look like a GIANT in that picture!
I'm IN!
When I was there as a couple once bras weren't the only thing banned ;) See you guys in 10 days!