Now you just need to figure out personal hygiene and you'll be all set! :P
Count. MetMan. In.
See you guys in April!
I'm in for the theme nights while I'm there (3-10th), monique! If you want any other ideas, I think a MetMan theme night(s) would be a great idea!
I'm late to the party, but if Jim needs more money then I expect a PM about how to send him some!
I'm there from April 3-10. Look me up!
The MetMan is coming back! April 3-10. Put me on the list Woodman!
I leave in 9 hours! I'll be there tomorrow morning! See you then!
Cry? More like gasping for air as you drown it!
Keep up the posts vlujan! I leave on Sunday and I don't want to miss the ending of your story!
And he was a lucky one. Like Canadian Dos Equis fan, I too work in an area that deals with this. Volcanic Ash is pretty much the worst aviation...
Wow. I can't imagine how terrible this is for you. I was looking forward to meeting you guys on Monday!
+1 ftw!
No matter what happens down there, I'll just say, "Monique said it was OK!"
Anyone else on my flight out of Vancouver? Sunwing...leaves at 11:55 p.m. Sunday night... Great to have someone to hang with at the airport when...
Really? They frown on that in Calgary? *shocked*
I know, my countdown is the same!
Those are my dates too! See you there!
Which now means I have to put up with you on my vacay. Thanks for that.