Make the best of it! It rained hard for 4 days during our last visit - we did hang out near the sexy pool anyway, then to the Alternative Bar,...
That's actually my husband's screenname/paintball call sign - he likes to believe it's true!!!
Lots of good tips!!! I straighted mine a few times the last time at TTR, then was usually into the drinks pretty good and it didn't matter if it...
You know me well already!!! :aetsch004:
You guys are hilarious, love it!!! - Laura
We have three small children too and I'm hoping to convince my husband to go in the fall as well as in early 2013 - we both love it, just gotta...
Wow, I gotta really remember this stuff :icon_biggrin: I have terrible hangovers:icon_cry: I'll have to practice before we head to TTR!!!