We'll have to get creative for the balcony shows - stand-up fun can be tricky for us, I'm just about a foot shorter than my hubby!!!:aktion031:
We have the same problem here in our itty bitty province. Good Luck to you!
So to answer your question, yes 2013 - but I'm still "nagging" for late 2012 too :)
So I guess at 5'2" I should be able to get one of the one-size fits all dresses to cover my ass - good to know!!!
We were planning early April, but you never know hubby's birthday is on May 2nd so we might make it to May. Would love to meet you both too, we...
For drinks at TTR, definitely the Wet Pussy, Purple Shit, Mexican Blowjob and Blue Mother *ucker (which I think is really a blue kamikazi - Pablo...