Wife and I will be there for Halloween for 2 weeks I won ttr costume party 3 yrs ago but can't wait to party it's been a rough yr I had a heart...
Since TTR is closed my wife and I will be there for halloween 2016 for 12 days.
Lets get the party started, i won the contest 3yrs ago with chewbacca
Stopped counting at 25 times even told my wife want my ashes spread on the beach my home away from home
Time to have a blast
Wife and I will be there for 2 weeks for Halloween can't wait
hav n fun my wife and i will be there sometime in june for 2 weeks, not sure the dates
hav n fun finally one more sleep night, see everyone at the sexy pool tomorrow Thanks Mike & Priscilia
hav n fun Sitting here at work waiting for today and tomorrow to get over and time to start the party saturday mike
hav n fun airport vodka and sprite, on the way to hotel vodka and sprite, at hotel guess what yup vodka and sprite, thats about all i can drink...
hav n fun 3 more days and the fun starts mike & priscilia
My girlfriend and i will be there march 1 to 9th, say hi, my right arm is covered with tatoos mike
hav n fun my girlfriend and i will be there march 1 to 9th, cant wait to have a blast Mike & Priscila
hav n fun 6 more days but who's counting if u see my girlfriend and me walking around say hi, see everyone at the sexy pool next saturday Mike
hav n fun I stopped counting at 20, this is my home away from, my girlfriend and i cant wait to have a blast, see everyone at the sexy pool...
hav n fun 9 more days but whos counting my girlfriend is packing now, see everyone there Mike
hav n fun Once again time is getting closer for me and my girlfriend, we're looking forward to have a great time, see everyone at the sexy pool...
hav n fun 12 more days and it looks like im coming with my girlfriend, going to be a blast see everyone there Mike
hav n fun Time is getting closer, 13 more days march 1 to 9 Mike
hav n fun lets keep it going time is getting closer, 13 more days, i cant wait to have a blast, see everyone there Mike