Wife and I are ready to party sick of this covid stuff oct 25th to 30th can't come soon enough ps ill drink enough booz to keep covid out lol
See u guys there on the 25th first time going to breathless in cancun been too punta cana breathless Mike and Priscilla
Sounds like a plan see u guys on the 25th
Wife and I there 25th to 30th then breathless 30th to nov 4th temptation was booked for those dates
Thx steve we'll be there oct 25 to 30
We'll be there oct 25 to 50 ready to have a great time, see everyone there
We'll be there oct 25 to 30 ready to party I stopped counting after 50 times
April 26th to may 3rd Wife and I ready to party
Looks like things have changed wife and i will be there for Halloween now its time to find a costume
Sitting at the airport getting ready to board its finally time to get this party started
Thx same to u guys, have a safe flight the drinks will be waiting
1 day finallu
Day has finally come, all packed and ready to party see everyone at the sexy pool tomorrow
Not sure we just do it they day before, that way we dont have to worry about them on the airplane
Just filled out our immigration forms on line and finishing packing
Tuesday around noon time wife and i will be at the sexy pool getting our drinks, see everyone there
3 more days
Just downloaded all my music going to being my megaboom let the party start 2 more days
Finished with work now waiting for Tuesday lets get this party started, see everyone at the sexy pool Priscilla and Mike
3 more days and the party starts see everyone there