35 Days!!! [IMG] Casual afternoon at the Sexy Pool!!! Everyone else feel free to jump in on the countdown, we may run out of "appropriate"...
Hope you have the shots ready for us on the 18th! We should be at the resort by noon.
36 Days!!! [IMG] Always a party in Patyos!
We dont arrive until the 18th, but we'll try and catch up the best we can then. I know there is the possibility of a Boobs Cruise on the 19th, so...
37 Days!!! [IMG] [IMG] Our two favorite TTR restaurants (Asian & Italian), with some of our favorite people! We love eating in groups while there.
38 Days!!!! [IMG] Reason #1,285,362 why I love TTR: Rock Island in the Sexy Pool
Haha, the person in question will remain unnamed ;)
39 Days!!!!! [IMG] Don't forget your Bubba Mug!
Absolutely, sounds like a great plan to me!
40 Days!!! [IMG] Its hard to have a Motorboat thread, without a little motorboatin.. brrrbbbbrrbbb
41 Days!!! [IMG] [IMG] Our favorite restaurant on Isla Mujeres
42 Days!!! [IMG] [IMG] Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some....
It looks like 23 tentatively have mentioned the 19th cruise. Looks like it will most likely have enough interest by the time it opens for deposits.
I am always up for handing out a punishment :wink3: -Kristin
43 Days!!!! [IMG] Kristin toting around her trophy from the lingerie contest, cheap champagne.
Lol, there are plenty of those pictures (probably 50% of them involving your wife). That would take some strategic editing for this thread....
44 Days!!!! [IMG] Partying in Patyo's with a Steve photobomb.
45 Days!!!! [IMG] No trip is complete without a manly Dirty Dancing reenactment. Nobody puts Zac in the corner.
Haha, love me some Lonely Island. "I'm on a boat" might be more appropriate than "Spring Break"
Looks like we will be there the same time, save some drinks for us!