Let's see......I really like this question BTW. I think we will fit in well from the responses so far. I am a little shy to begin with. I usually...
Wax Rosana (Official Music Video) on Vimeo
:) We will try to spot y'all at the gate. We have a 1 hr layover arriving from Baton Rouge. Rosanna
Oct 3rd arrivals We are exactly one month out! For those of you arriving on the 3rd, what time will you get to Cancun? We arrive at 11:45am from...
Although we are planning to go on the cruise, there are more of us that plan to go than the boat can accommodate. If my typing fingers aren't fast...
Oct 5, two people
Yes it is! I was imagining myself with those two sexy ladies in that pool! Well I'll have to wait now, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait ;)...
It's been a work weekend for us too, but did manage to get hot tub shopping time in. We will be ordering it tomorrow! Rosanna
It's strange. I can go nude at the drop of a swimsuit, but feel strange wearing square cuts. I have a pair and will bring them. We will see. Fred
I like it! A LOT :) Rosanna
Nice! We just covered our back patio yesterday. Since we can't go party with Darin and Melissa :( and its going to be a rain out here :(, looks...
Definitely with the glasses! Rosanna
As long as they don't make me cover my nipples, I'm good! I didn't plan to bring pasties. Rosanna
And we leave on the 8th so we won't be making the trip to Pearl. Kinda crazy what TTR is asking for the party. If 100 people show up that's $2000...
I like this one with #3 being a close 2nd. Very sexy. Rosanna
Feel better soon Nikki! Sending happy thoughts your way. Rosanna
My corset is a little fetish. I have a tiny leather mini skirt that I'll wear with it. Or at least that's what I'll start out wearing ;) Rosanna
We do dammit but just cant make it work out :(
Hi Trina, I think we got overlooked, but we will be there 10/3 - 10/8 with our new octoberbreast friends!
Pretty picture Jennifer! Rosanna