I know that feeling! Got sicker than a dog one year on a cruise in Jamaica, not fun at all. Now I always have the doctor write me a script for the...
Hello! We are Phyllis and Joel and will be there July 2-12th. What are your trip dates? Looks like you're doing the 11th Boob Cruise, and so are...
We are getting excited! We arrive on the 2nd! Haven't started packing, but we have things sitting out that need to be packed! Kinda doing an...
Tried twice to reply to your last message. Having some problems finding my way around, cause I'm not very computer savvy. I'll will continue later...
Fifteen days! Can't wait for the Boob Cruise on the 11th! We are soooo excited!
We are going to be there 7/2-7/12 also! Hope we get to meet up!
Didn't get an email confirmation for the BC on the 11th. Paid with Paypal. Seems like in the past we did get one. Could you just confirm that all...
The cruise you two will have to take is the one on Friday the 11th. We leave on the 12th also, but we will be there for the Friday the 4th cruise...
We will be there the 2nd thru the 12th. So, our choices are Friday the 4th or Friday the 11th. Are you two there on either of these dates? Hope we...
Okay, there are two dates open for the Boobs Cruise between are arrival on the 2nd, and our departure on the 12th. Those dates are the Friday the...
Thanks for the info on the Boobs cruise. Looks like we will probably do the 4th of July cruise since we will be leaving on the 12th, and not sure...
Where is the July schedule for the Boobs Cruises? Please don't tell me you don't have a cruise scheduled between the 3rd and 11th of July!!!!!!...
Where is the roll call for July Boobs Cruises?
We will be there July 2nd to the 12Th! Can't wait
:aktion030:Nine days for us, too! Will have our orange bracelets on, and I will have a pink one on my left wrist. Hopefully, we will be at the...
Whoa....that was fast! We are definitely enthusiastic about Cancun and TTR! Twenty-six days to go! :clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy:
Hey Steve, we're not CancunCare Newbies any more! This will be our 5th trip to Cancun, and we've been CancunCare members for 4 of them! However,...
Looking forward to meeting and making some new friends! See you all there!
Okay, life is good! Twenty-eight days from arriving in beautiful Cancun, and thirty-one days till the Boob Cruise! How much better can it get!!!!!?
Looking to book today for the Sept. 27th cruise.