One week from today we will be at TTR. Can't wait to see everyone. Feet in the sand and drinks in our hand. The outfits are all set and now all we...
Yes naked cruise
Take a look under the September 2015 Roll Call post and the full list is on page 9 I believe! Good luck and have fun!
Well I think a lot of us on the Labor Day crew are hoping to just crawl to our own room after paty o because we usually can't walk to our rooms...
Only 53 degrees here this morning. It days like this I wish I was waking up in Cancun.
10 day countdown is officially on. Outfits ready, suitcases open, livers prepped, looking forward to seeing everyone in 10 days.
The 10 day countdown has officially begun. The suitcases are open, the outfits are ready, the livers are prepped, and we have checked out of work....
I was hoping to like it twice. Once for each cheek
It's dragging!! I need to be with you awesome peeps drinking my sky,club,lime!!!
Thanks for the friend request. See you guys soon.
Welcome guys. You guys just got on the best cruise. It's going to be a great cruise and u guys are gonna love it. Just make sure to leave you tops...
No problem. We can do this.
Just 2 weeks away for us to finally get on our plane and party at our favorite place. We will see everyone soon.
It's Tina! Sitting here working on a business plan that's going to take me hours and I'm soooo over it!!! All I can do is think of TTR and theme...
Just come to our room. There is no telling what you will find going on in there. :ladiesman1::lotsofmichaelfs::bj::69::3some::aktion031:
Great bunch going on this cruise. Pretty sure we are going to make this a cruise to remember or depending how much we drink don't remember.
You need to check with Steve because he does limit the number of singles on the cruises.
That's what she said.
Septiembre 5-13
I think we are up to 62 people.