This year Labor day falls on the 7th so an educated guess is the first full week. We would have august hold over into September in the past...
I am still pretty torn up about Susan. I can't explain how much I admired her and Scott's relationship. Watching them dance, talking with them,...
i'm thinking two is my limit this time.... cruises that is!
5th through 12th or 14th..... undecided on the return date.
Hey we are part of the Laborday crew that goes that time of year. This year Laborday is on the 7th so most of us are going 5th-12th give or take a...
You can get it in IAH do not know the cost, it is also in Mexico at one of the stores we went to near Wal Mart.
Awesome Carrie, I am disappointed we won't see you and get to meet Rudy but as a father of 4 ( as you have seen on facebook) I am very excited for...
reliving the memories reading these! I am ready to get back!
Man I can't wait until Labor day this year!
Sorry we didn't reply sooner, last year was pretty busy and we skipped temptation. Thanks for the kind words and we hope you enjoyed yourself! Ron...
We are headed back for labor day, wish we weren't missing yall again!
We are back this year, took a year off to get the pool in at the house and get all set up. Loved meeting the new peeps at Mardi Gras and can't...
Sorry we are missing ya'll this year! We hope everyone has a blast! We will be back next year... Ron and Dani
Thanks! It was pretty cool thanks to Chinos and steve and all those who made it happen.
I set up a drop box account for the labor day crew. I have the default 2 gigs storage if you sign up under this link ( ) I...
I am looking for any pictures that were taken of us renewing our vows on the cruise on the 30th. Please email them to us
Been unpacking to pack! We miss our friends and can't wait to see you all.
Ahh that sucks!