Got you covered
Don't worry about it, there is no benefit anyways.
Started a thread I don't want you guys to miss:...
As Chino's would say" Fuck you Cancer"
March of this year we lost one of our members, Scott lost his wife Susan who was battling gallbladder Cancer. They were the epitome of everything...
You are part of the crew now.
I'm betting we ( Labor day crew) recruit some people once we get there to join this amazing cruise.
Got to keep it going! Sexy!
Ready to go and have an amazing time!
We are ready finally :) Celebrating our 17th year anniversary this trip as well.
nothing like a hurricane party
I am trying....
Hi we are Titties and Beer, not to hard to determine which is which :) This will be our first cruise this year! Ron and Dani
So what theme did you have in mind ?
Wouldn't miss it!
hi nothing to see here.... it only sold out in 8 minutes the last time we went...
On Board for the 8th :)
Hi my new nick name is "Tina" i have not received said pictures.
Well our Vegas Trip went well, great primer for the summer. One of our boys got married this past weekend, so now that is all over all we have to...