Don't forget to stuff your bikini bottoms, sun tan lotion, and tooth brush in your Bubba mug. Those are essentials you can't do without so as...
Thank you for the compliment!
We are from Alabama so we are kinda partial to untaxed corn
Wish there were other pictures to go with that profile pic...
Thanks for the compliment. I will have to throw it right back at you, great profile picture!
If you don't sleep, what ever are ya gonna do to pass the time?????
Ok, so that profile pic caught our attention!
Geez, I think my clock has stopped...we leave Sunday and time has stopped
Only a couple days to go....
Time has stopped...
Wooo Hoooo..Are y'all ready for this?!?
Ok, if it isn't to togas we are good. We both have something that will fit a white theme. We have a glow party we are going to in August and...
You go to the bathroom to take a leak...Wouldn't you rather leave it there?
Find us at the pool and we'll tell you how he came to be such an agreeable participant in themed parties!
OK, so I gotta ask cause Laurie has only spent three months salary on clothes....The theme on the 4th...Is it toga, glow, or white? She has seen...
Is that it?
I agree with the Old Skool Bonham and Moon, but let's get back on topic with a more modern artist... As the great Ludacris once sang "I wanna...
If you had a nude side and a prude side, would it then be called a "side boob" cruise?
At least you didn't bring Rush up ya damned Canadian...jk lol
5 days and a wake up! If I could go ahead and put an order in at the bar now it would save us all some time...