WooHoo! Glad you get to see me this year :mnm: I know you were going to be sad not getting to hang out with me for my return :aktion025:...
One of us! One of us!:huepfen013: Happy Birthday Bambers! Can't wait to meet you and celebrate Chaos Crew style :beer4:
At least he tried. The rest of us were in shock and couldnt speak
Cant be any worse then the bird or "and....pull!"
in for 1
I guess Chaos Crew all thinks alike.......perverted, warped, twisted....l:ernaehrung015:
Just because it has holes.......:cool:
No sex acts though, remember what happened to the first beer pong float, may it Rest in Peace(well pieces at least).
Nov 29th - Dec 6th I'm coming back home to the Chaos Crew!
It's officially official. I will be returning to the Chaos Crew this year. Nov 29th - Dec 6th. Bring your A game boys and girls :ernaehrung005:
Do you shave your arms to decrease wind resistance lifting beers? And good look on job front man. I'm in a shaky spot right now myself. I hope...
Blackjack Billy - The Booze Cruise, always makes me think of Cancun.
Thank you, I was trying to figure out why the dates I was looking at weren't matching up to hers. :banghead:
We always have one or two during the chaos crew weeks (after thanksgiving) never had a problem with it. We were worried about beer getting...
Same here. I've heard nothing but good things about all the new Chaos Crew members......well good by our standards :lotsofmichaelfs:
dang it Jesse! these pics are making it difficult to put off booking a trip! Missed out on too much last year, don't want to do it again.
Having one of those hell weeks at work, so wanted to peek my head in and say...damn I miss y'all! Hopefully I can stay sane until chaos crew...
Karen, Got ya a few votes today and will get some more tomorrow when I'm back in the office and have a few more IP addresses to play with :)...
Vote 21! Good luck!
Thanks for the TR. really wish i could've been there this year, but i will be back in 2013. and I may be there for a week in april as well.