Theme night discussions and go.
Airlines booked and Weekend Passes covered. Looking forward to seeing you all again!!
Hey guys welcome to CCC, there is an awesome group of people on here. Hit us up for any questions you might have.
If you are going to the Big Wal-mart across the street is a liquor store called La Europea if Steve hasn't bought off their supply of FIREBALL...
Google, GEOBLUE and should the need arise ONLY go to Hospital Galenia!!!
Doug and Kristin, Great trip report it was so much fun spending hours and hours in the pool. We won't be able to make it in September but remember...
Hope and Tim are planning to be there in April 2016, We will dearly miss the MAYHEM group but we have April friends that we need to pass out with!!!
It was great meeting you guys in person! We had a awesome time and hope to see you all again. Hugs - Hope & Tim
Sounds like a great idea!!! For the mountains still thinking over New Years. New Orleans will be Sept 11-14th. Miss you!!!
Going back to work is just not fair!!! Miss you guys, had a great time!!!