Just checking to see if there is any interest in a Bourbon tasting night? bring your facorite Bourbon and share??
Does anyone really care what the guys wear? I will be in matching theme with Hope on most nights.
Hope and I (Tim) will be in theme most every night, OK may miss a couple but she will be in Theme every night and I'm so looking forward to seeing...
Thank you for all your efforts!!
A very good trip report. Give April or May a try both months are THE BEST INHO. I can't imagine respectful singles not having a blast.
I'd say stick with Orange on Thursday unless people would like to add a Sheer day but considering most ladies will be naked or near anyway by...
77 days and counting down. We are looking forward to what looks to have the makings of a great group to party with. The best party is all drinks...
Plenty of time to order one!!! Hope got a sheer one from Malibu Strings. Thursday or any day that most people can participate in works for us....
Well let's do an Orange bathing suit day.
Looking good, perhaps add Men's Dress Shirt to Toga on the 15th as well. The more the merrier!!
We always try to bring a few cans down, so please bring!! The closest place to get it is in Cincinnati and we will try and make a trip up there...
We get in on the 11th so we will have shots ready! If you got to turn 50 (and I did 5 years ago) no better place than TTR!!!
Hey guys we are with you on Cowboy and Cowgirl night! Hope can't be without her Cowboy boots!
Hey guys make sure to stop and pick up AIWC to bring with you. We try and make a trip to Cincinnati to pick up a few cans each trip.
Closer, Closer, Closer..Time to shop for outfits and AIWC!!
Dates will be September 9-11th. Be sure to stay till Monday as there is lots of fun times after the events. Go to Wishes Wonders and Whodats...
I know right!!!
Sounds great, looking forward to meeting you all very soon!! Tim & Hope
Donald you and Bonnie picked out awesome costumes and I liked the way you all both wore themed shoes. Just gave a nice overall picture. Cheers!
Miss you all!!! We are going in April this year 11-22. We will sure miss seeing you all but please come join us for Make A Wish in New Orleans Sept!!