We wish we didn't have to leave, LOL! We don't like that USA Transfer picks up three hours before the departure flight, so we just grab a cab for...
One-way transfer booked through USA Transfers...it's getting real!!!!!
Cigar Lounge, gotta do something with that space, it's awesome up there but rarely used. Maybe once a week or twice have a get together party...
Last year after the cruise, we jumped off the boat and headed to the Sexy Pool to continue the fun! Many were talking about getting ready for...
Why thank you very much, have experienced a few cruises in our day! Not always a good thing to finish first...but in this case I'll take it!
WooHoo...we are booked!
Use to be in the closet too, but when our girls started getting older and starting going in my closet to barrow clothes...I needed to hide to TTR...
Our special 'blue bin' was pulled out this morning to see what outfits we have and what we still need. Ron had fun cutting up a shirt and jeans...
Yea, we love meeting Michigan people, current or former!!!
First time ever, direct flight to and from...too excited, usually have an awful layover on the way home (5 hours in Houston).
Too bad, thought maybe we could start the party early on the plane down with you both! Guess we will have to wait to see you at TTR!
2 more for the 15th...WooHoo!
I'm sorry yours is painful. My swelling doesn't really hurt just looks silly and I have trouble jamming my feet ino heels....but I love my...
Fred Flintstone feet is what I call my feet too! You got that right!!!! Can't wait!!! I hate sitting in those chairs, the dangling of the...
I usually lay in the water in the shallow end of the pool on my stomach with my feet up for an hour each day and I have brought a small cooler to...
Hey Dawn, Glad I won't be the only one...in years past, my buddy Harley has the same problem as me and we usually compare our feet each morning,...
I need help, anytime I travel to Cancun or topical area, I have a problem with my ankles and feet swelling. I'm sure the drinking doesn't help,...
Heard you guys were from Michigan, us too! We both arrive on the 12th, you flying out of DTW? We excited to join the Junkies!
TTR friends are the absolute best on the planet, be sure to save us some booze when you leave James and Lee!!! We'll miss you both...til next...