wow, sorry to hear would suck so bad to get sick on vacation.
Everyone have the same symptoms? Was it actually Montezuma's revenge or something different? or over indulgence?
God bless america!!
We saved them, looks like we'll be doing the whole OJ Simpson, if they fit, you must admit!! [img]
Maybe the Epic group will get them straightened out eh?
wish you guys were coming a day or so earlier so you could join us on the boobs cruise
wouldn't ya know it D!!....I just found out all the booze on OUR trip is missed out again.....I can't frikken believe it...
We were sooooo looking forward to the boob luge's........dayum!! Sure glad we're going to be partying with you and the Mayor of's not...
How do you explain the shoes?
ya, that's what we heard :icon_redface: remind us to tell you that story when we get
if we save you any [img] well, we've tried to drink TTR outta tequila before.......all we did was end up with our door wide open in the morning,...
lol.....ya, that sounds about right.....
right now we would take that!!! It's still f'n snowing out.....hasn't stopped all day...37 degrees, so it's not sticking to the streets &...
ok, ok, ok......what about the 4th people, who kept the ball rolling? [img]
sure!! why not!! [img] ...we'll get you your first one......"][img]
Jimmy Buffet ....... Mexico
lol.....thanks for the words of AS I TYPE is snowing hard outside.......big ass flakes [img] I am not even...
wow, maybe that will be the substitute for body shots!! ya think they'll lighten up down there by mid may?.........[img]
Well, we went down to see the new grand daughter yesterday......told Vix that Jamie called us slackers, [IMG] so now our glow stick inventory has...
Man, we woke up to snow again today......prolly the 8th time in the last 12 days.....this shit is getting it May 14th yet?