5 more wakeups, we're pretty much packed and ready to rock.
Congrats!! we'll be celebrating our 30th while we're there :)
Dmac asked me to keep this thread going after he left. There's still a couple of nights toward the end of the month (24th, 27th & 29th) that don't...
lol.....that's gotta be it
7 more wakeups.....heh heh heh
Dmac asked me to keep this thread going after he left. There's still a couple of nights toward the end of the month (24th, 27th & 29th) that...
Well, I'm going to have a drink to celebrate: The new Osama Bin Laden drink..... which consists of 2 shots and a splash of water...heheheh
Just bumpin it up so people don't forget there's still a couple of nights open for a theme :)
Have a great time......we only have 9 more wakeups!!
OMG!!!! Just spit my pop out
you're ready to quit... we've both smoked for much longer than we'd care to admit.....ok, way over 30 years. Our 1st grand child was coming, our...
eek...tough crowd [img]
um...that's what we were thinkin [img]
All I can say to be got what he deserved...double tapped, once in the chest, once in the eye. Would love to shake...
Welcome, we'll cya's there
Time is getting short for all of us, we would like to thank you for all of your work on the "theme nights". We can't wait to meet you two as well...
Both of us are smoke free for 45 days!!!! Smoking is HISTORY!!! YEA BABY!!! We still get some cravings, but they're getting weaker and weaker.......
The Navy SEALs were amazing, they land in his compound, fire a warning shot and hit the fucker in the eye!! ala David Letterman
Have fun on your cruise before you get to Cancun!!