anytime the week of the 16th works for us
He did seem to have the uncanny ability to be around dripped ice cream, he brings it up every time we have talked with
someone will be[IMG]technically, it's more of an ice cream social, not a
well, on a hot day, around a topless pool, sometimes ice cream drips and lands somewhere that needs to be licked up......
[IMG] wow
Don't forget the ice cream party you
We'll second that!! Awesome job Jamie [IMG] you plant the seed for a lot of friendships
Of course, but it's the good bad [img]
Can't help but think you'll come up with something and rock it [img]
Sounds more like Sexcercise [IMG] lol Mas Tequila por favor
lol....that's the spirit [img] Warning: Tequila makes your clothes fall off......actually, now that I think about it, just about every booze does...
Hey Kev, we could bust it out and take [IMG] for ya..... nah, it'll be a better surprise for both of ya's
Oops, my bad....Drinks will be cold and ready!! Reservations too, if you wish! lol......done deal.....gonna be soooooo great to see you guys...
awesome!!.....congrats you two!!, lots of anniversary's, & b-days....that's all we need is more reasons to party!! [img] I'm sure we'll...
Oh ya ya.... [img] no prooblum with that.....if their avatar is any indication, D&T look like a lot of fun, we'll make sure we steer them in the...
Thats awesome, congratulations!!!......:partyhorn: We seem to have a lot of celebrating to do, we're definitely going to the right place!! [IMG]...
lol.......ya, saw that years ago.....hilarious
We'll toast each others good fortune.....first one's on us :)