ive seen plenty of ppl wear jeans, and i usally wear them out twice or so when im down there, it gets pretty packed in the clubs and therefore...
what does this have to do with must need places to go during spring break? no offense lol but ya, a must see place is snorkeling on the jungle tour!!!
lol i have ATT tilt, and mitch has a G1. i always bring my laptop to cancun, so someone can messege me on facebook to set something up or...
lol, i didnt mean that to sound rude towards steve, im sure he was just deleting people who he thought had become inactive.
its been a while but im almost positive they do, you just have to pay for it obviously
lol well try going in next time, its truly an epic spot.
people know how knowledgeable you are based on the info. you provide, not the number of posts you have in my eyes. BUT i didnt have a post in 2...
lol ya, i hate that sardines feeling, it sux. and u MIGHT try frogs? that should be a must on ur list!!!
didnt some guy have his face in ur ass last yr at the CC party? i duno im just sayin lol
why are you going to spring break if you are married? that seems pointless to ME. is he going with you?
whatta waste of money if you ask me, waiting in line for hours to see someone perform for 30 minutes, and paying like 65 or more to get in. once...
there is an extra fee for that. i watched them do it though, it seemed pretty sweet
lol ya not lookin to hot right now. last yr surprised me though, i thought it was much better than usual
i personally found that the best deals to be had were from haggling with the street vendors. sometimes the entertainment staff at the hotel ca...
lol fookin classic
lol ya i remember meetin you though, you were talking about a certain incident with a roomate lol. and ya fletch lost us and ended up with some...
oh n sneaking ppl in is near impossible, but if u have the dough this is what id do. tell them u lost ur bracelet, and they will charge u 60 bucks...
ya just do what fletch did last yr and literally say no when they try to kick u out LOL, then pretend to leave and come back haha. that turned out...
the guy to girl ratio is NOT lookin too good for this party so far lol