not for ONE second haha
u love the sausage? lol
hahahaaha sadly that gets my vote.... although this will most liekly be my last hoorah as well
its always a wild party there, def not as crazy as during spring break, but still great times
holy shit lol havent heard from you in a hhwhile
hahahaa fuckin meatheads, at least the ratio improved
sounds good... keep us posted
a lot of girls in that picture i see lol
what makes you think that Steve?
likely story
clubs are bewteen 35-60 bucks and include open bar. u can wear pretty much whatever you want to the clubs. lines vary from a couple minutes to a...
they scan it when u get to mexico and when u get back to the usa, not sure if u would be detained in mexico for a warrant, if not, then at least u...
drinking and driving is bad lol. i wouldnt risk it at all, and i would assume as soon as they scanned your passport that you would be detained..
hahahahahahahaahha keep pumpin. but ya seriously i hate new jersey
lol fuckin madness
if u think u need viagra just go to the white party at basic and you will realize that u dont
i think he has lost his edge and will never regain it again
funny episode. F U WHALEEE
good call about the balcony door being locked!!! thats how ppl broke into our room...we r on the bottom floor. feel so stupid lookin back on that