if you think we are charming now, wait till you see us drunk...:anon:
we def. need to recruit some more females
who cares, they r both hot lol
its about a 20 minute walk to the clubs or a 5 minute bus ride.
i stayd at the ME, theres def nothign wring with it. it is a 4/5 star resort and you get treated like complete royalty. nicest hotel that i...
lol and when we got back to the hotel you showered with all of your clothes on LOL, and after being sick for half the night you somehow rebounded...
i like boobs
they honestly all are kinda dodgy and on the crummy side but if you want all inclusive and a decent beach go to dos playas, the other 2 are old...
awesome video!!!!
Ct ct ct
spring break
hahaha ya the ratio is always garbage, but dennis is right
hammie, r u serious right now? did u ride the short bus to school?
wow thats a sick deal!!! go to smugglers notch i love it there
400 bucks? wtf? lol how so cheap?
well that should be a really easy one
i hate the oasis with a passion, but that could be just because we were robbed and the ceiling leaked when it rained lol, otherwise best day spot...
u get a good price? congrats!!!!
cant fuckin wait, great vids n pics, thanks for the extra motivation!!!!!!!!!! i didnt think i could get any more excited until i looked through...
lets fuckin party