You're welcome! :3some: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:
I did this one for you (and me...) Donald......
I can tell you that an unofficial sampling of this roll call thread yields: Couples: 147 Single Females: 7 Single Males: 8 Obviously there are a...
Don't worry, I'll be just as pasty (if not more)...and I live in Florida!
Hi guys, we are there the 13th - 20th so we'll see you at the pool. When you get bored (at home) think about changing your avatar pic to a...
Trading salt licks with Greg...
I guess you've never watched "The Bachelor"... (ducking...)
Ah...that must have been Greg. Greg, you out there?
Howdy neighbors! Welcome to the board - you're going to have a great time!
I see that I was too slow...
Some kind soul from the forum created this playlist on YouTube if you need a Paty'Os fix: Paty-O Lounge Mix - YouTube
Ask and ye shall receive... I've been accumulating this as folks have announced in this thread but was going to hold off until Steve posted his...
I'm pretty sure it was a 3-hour cruise, so 4 should be safe. I was a big Gilligan fan - even when I was 8 years old I liked Mary Ann better...
No worries! I know that you know that I know that you know that we were all joking. Group hug! :lotsofmichaelfs:
You'll have to wait for assless chaps night to find out! :ass:
Ouch! I did mean it as a joke...but now I'll take my whipped metro-sexual ass back to the corner... :bash: we're going to have to start a thread to share what orange shorts we buy because if some of us ended up with the same ones that would...
Thanks to Karen there's a lovely list here:...
"Our" week seems to be the most popular (during the most popular month?) - don't wait too long and get shut out.
Of course! It's shaping up to be an epic week!