Spring break huh? Brave :) We're waiting until late April or early May. Quite a bit cheaper and not so many drunk 18 year olds...
Hoping to have someone have someone post some pics of the renovations. Coming in April.... finally.
The only time we were there in January when it def cooled off. I can't imagine it cooling off that much now.
Not until April next year for us....
We should just start our own GP forum ;) I'm dying having to wait till April
I wish we could! We're soooo ready for a vacation....
Ugh... Don't know if I can wait 11 more months.
If you start the fun others will follow!
The Golden can be hit and miss. One night the Tiki Bar would be nuts with girls flashing/body shots... then the next night nothing but a few old...
We're going in April and I was ready to start a roll call then. :)
It's a key and lock box. Laptop - don't think so. It's free. This was 2 years ago - so something might have changed since then.
I've heard of people using starbucks internet. It's a bit of a walk down the street but could take the bus.
I think it varies week by week. When we went my wife wanted to go topless but literally no one else was doing it. Finally the 3rd day she had a...
We're not going until Mid April 2011. :( 2 from OK and 2 from CA Don't know how I am going to wait that long.
Interesting. Haven't seen that one.
Dang, 30 bucks a day for wireless? maybe there's a starbucks nearby with free!
Yeah 65 bucks at Mandalay Bay or 99 for a suite at MGM. Can't beat that... I am guessing memorial day will be busier out there but who knows. I...
Had a blast. We are debating between Vegas or Cancun for Memorial Day weekend. (Also my bday weekend)
They had wifi but I don't think it was free...
We had a blast. I put up a review on tripadvisor. It was a little too low key for my liking but I can't complain. PM me if you want to see any pics