I got mine on the cruise... funny how the men end up wearing it though? LOL
Last week we went to both the Italian and Asian restaurant all dressed up. Matt wore a collared shirt, dress pants and closed toed shoes....
Last week when I was there there were quite a few gay people (men and women, couples and singles). One night at paty o's there were two men...
Just sent photos over to you, Paul & Darcy! Enjoy! Send any of us, if you have any. Thanks :)
Hey Hey Hey! Great meeting you two in Cancun! We had a blast. Send your pics (and video? - maybe I was a bit tipsy by that point) over to...
Hope you guys got home OK.. it was so great meeting you both!
LOL you know it, Steve!! We had a blast on the cruise. Trip Report coming soon - stay tuned. :icon_lol:
I will be sending some tonight! I have a few that were not appropriate for FB. :)
The pool was packed the last week too.. Oct. 19th.. (I was on the great boobs crusie though).. and they cancelled the Miss. Temptation Contest....
We just had it this past Saturday (Oct. 22) and it was delicious!! We paid $40 per person at a booth set up right by the sexy pool in front of the...
I HATE packing. :bootyshake: I always feel like I'm missing something. And seeing as I'm a first-timer to Temptation, I feel unprepared. So my...
Can't wait!! We'll have 24 shots lined up at the sexy pool! PS. I had a dream last night that all the men at lingerie night wearing their...
We're staying in Toronto on Sunday night and we fly out early in the AM on Monday. So excited!! Can't wait to meet everyone! :lotsofmichaelfs: