Woohoo! Glad you two are joining MAYhem!! :headbanger:
Hold the phone. :huh: Swingers or Lifestylers aren't in a loving, caring relationship? Am I misunderstanding something?
We're there those exact dates, meet ya in the Sexy Pool! :huepfen013:
We're arriving on the 29th and we have two extra orange bracelets that say 'cancuncare xxx'
Can't wait to meet everyone! We're getting so excited. We'll be at the Sexy Pool on Sunday around 2pm. First shot - Mexican Blowjob or Wet...
We'll be in the pool around 2pm on the 29th! See ya then! :aktion030:
Dangerous!!! ... But I like it! :bowdown:
Yeah, us Canucks are deprived of the 'special' whip cream. We have to depend on the goodwill and generosity of kind TTR folk who are able to get...
We should have a Bruin's T-shirt Day!! So many B's fans during MAYhem!
Hey guys! Looking forward to meeting you! We're there April 29 to May 8
Crystal & Matt April 29 to May 8 We're packing today!! Single digit countdown, love it!
That's what the TTR Community is all about! :liebe011:
Hi Guys! We're at Temptation April 29 to May 8. Can't wait to meet you virgins! LOL You'll love it there!
Then people might think you have terrets. :whisper: ;)
Habs fans! :anon: Guess we will stay off the hockey subject when we meet you two. LOL
The only thing those 'safe' words are going to guarantee you are a GOOD time! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Matt says f*ck Kessel! I grew up with Horton, our moms are best friends. Go B's!
Close game tonight fellow Bruins fans! We'll get them back though, we always do!! Can't wait to party with everyone. Single digit countdown...
I love the MAYhem preview album. Soooo excited!! Countdown is on!