There's 10 of us that would be interested in Boobs Cruise last week in January - We will be there from the 26th thru the 1st- hope it works out as...
We had another couple want to book and was told full that week - but it sure is quiet on here, for being full the week we are there???
TNC we will be there for a few days while you are there- We have 1 couple that have never been to Cancun, then we have a guy we met there last...
You will be leaving just as we arrive on the 26th- can't wait either :)
We will be there during that time as well- actually we arrive on the 26th and leave on the 1st- 117 Days and counting :) This is our 2nd time at...
Well one thing we were also told is to bring a copy of your passport and leave a copy at home as well- keep the copy in a different spot then your...
We will be there during this same time- been to cancun several times but first time to GP - hoping that this will be the one that we will continue...
We are flying in on the 25th and leaving the 31st-