As Donald always says, bring Lysol for the A/C in the rooms, lost my voice for almost 2 weeks and trust me I wasn't partying hard this trip, Jodie...
Advertising on Steve's site... NOT COOL, wouldn't trust any links with (dot) com, obviously you shouldn't be here
Should change your name to .... Wait for it........ "The Situation" - remember that dough bag from Jersey Shore? How is his career doing...
That would be awesome thank you, I'm eating mine like candy at the moment will be all gone sooner then I planned
Just letting everyone know to bring some A535 for those sore calf muscles and swollen feet from walking and dancing, and maybe some Halls or...
Think I'm going to leave this thread open at Pearson Airport today so everyone can see your pics lol
Same here, woke up this morning no cream for my coffee as we will be gone for 2 weeks so we didn't refill our stock. Had to use Baileys this...
We're all 21 years old & our favorite number is 69
No risk no rewards
That's a open question. Are you referring to the people on the BOOBSCRUISE or the actual fish ? Lol
48 hours 13 min to lift off [ame=""]
Holiday Inn?
Don't be late, you'll be so depressed if you miss THIS cruise
Wish I could post pics of the glued on glitter sparkles that Jodie and I wore for anything goes theme last year. Literally glue on sparkles to...
The price you paid in 2013 ..... Happy Wife - Happy Life lol
We just started packing, this is how we opened the suitcase from previous trips lol.
Not to rub it in but 6 DAYS LEFT
Click the small Cancuncare link on the top of this page, just under the logo, it will redirect you to the Forum Page, click on the forum page you...