Wife just voted for you and will get at least 4 more... Need to take care of a fellow Cowboy!!
You got the votes of us fellow Cowboys!!! Hopefully, we'll meet y'all in January!
You'll definitely have our vote(s)!!! If nothing else, because of the Cowboys hat!!
...SWEET!! Just booked! Jan. 16-22... Can't wait!!
We may have to overlap with our fellow Texans this year...
...my vote is for you, Laura!! Nicely done!!
I like the posts, because it reminds me to vote. I don't just go check out the website on habit. And when I do check it out, I usually choose the...
Great TR!! It was awesome to get to hang out and party with you!!!
We'll be there!! We love you guys; feel like we didn't get to spend the time we wanted to with y'all! Wish we could meet up more than once a year!!
They took my whipped cream, though... It was still 3/4 full... I still say they suck. The whipped cream was good. The girls liked the whipped...
GrEaT report!! We ABSOLUTELY LOVE you guys!!!!! We had a blast with y'all!!! We are seriously considering going when Kat and TMac go in...
What an amazing time!!! Thanks for posting these, T!!!
That's awesome, Steve!! What a great time! Thanks, again!
Orange bracelets are for this site, to identify... We wore them and we are NOT swingers...
You know it!! Suz was just asking me what dates y'all are going... Labor Day weekend, right??
You and your beautiful wife absolutely ROCK!! We love you guys and are so glad to get know know y'all better this year!! I'm so glad you guys...
Awesome pics!!! Suz and Mel are HOTT!! And the tops are actually on!!
Nice pics, TMac!! Thanks!! The feeling is mutual! Ditto, Eric and Liz!!