We absolutely LOVE you two!! So glad we got to hang out with y'all more this year!! Susie loved the shirt and will wear it with GREAT pride!!...
We are checking into this time of year...
...packing as we speak!! Starting to get Really excited!! Hopefully flights and weather cooperates. Leave in the morning and Should be at the...
...wish we got to hang out with y'all!!!
Thanks so much, Mel!! Was a very rough Birthday today! Said "Goodbye" to the woman that basically raised me; but feel good, because at least I...
We will share a drink and celebrate your Dad and my Grandmother!
Thanks, guys!! Called my favorite Aunt and she gave me great advice that was so simple... Drive to see my Grandmother today and pay my last...
Thank you both... Sorry to put such a downer spin on an otherwise extremely positive thread!
...definitely puts it in perspective... Thank you guys for responding. I'm Not sure what to do. I know my Grandmother would say, "go have fun,...
...hope we get to go, now... My Grandmother is bad and will probably not last the weekend. The dilemma is to go ahead and cancel (bought...
Greatest profile pic on the site!!!!! How I would LOVE to encounter those idiots, someday!!!! Wish we got to hang out with y'all!!
...as far as the Bruins go... rrrRRRAAATTT FFFAAARRRTTSS!!!! Didn't stay up to watch OT, 'cuz I thought I would jinx them. There's nothing like...
SWEET!!! It'll be great to get to hang out with you guys!!
...still hoping you guys will surprise everyone... :( Ditto to Joe and Fran... We will miss you guys!! Lynfa; you, Suz and some of the other...
Suz LOVES tha WIZ!!! "Ice like the Gretzky's!"
Welcome!! You guys picked a Great week!! Y'all will make Lifelong friends this trip!!!
...had to drive 2 1/2 hrs to see my Dad for his 65th B-day... Didn't get to see the 3rd, but listened to it on XM... Like Drake raps...... HELL...
We love you, Supa-Chinos!!!!
I LIKE the way you think!!! LOL The Rangers swept the Sox.... BODY SHOT!!! Newcastle United is in 4th... BODY SHOT!!! Some dude on the 4th line...
Sweet!!! You guys remember last year; the security guard took my can away!!! It was 3/4 full, too! Still pisses me off!!