We are coming back July 10 - 17th!
July 10- 17th...can not wait to go back!!
We are booked for our 17th anniversary, for July 10-17th! 4th trip!!
This time tomorrow we will be in cancun $!!!! :)
We have 90 hours before wheels up!!!!!
This time next week we will be in cancun!!!
You know when your trip is getting closer is when you book your hotel at the airport!!!! About 10 days left!!!!!
We are under two weeks and it feels like someone hit the pause button on time. Wish time will go this slow at ttr when we get there!
the more peeps the better!
We get there on the 13th, if ya see feel free to say hi! We are always upto making new friends!
We can't wait till we get back to ttr on 13-19 july. Time is dragging so slow right now.
Wooo Hooo! We are paid! :aktion033:
We just booked the boobs cruise on the 14th of july.!!!!!
29 days and counting. Will time hurry up and get here. I am so ready to get back to ttr. So looking forward to the boobs cruise on july14
2 for July 14th
Anyone going july 14th??
July 13 - 19th woo hoo!!
Thanks for the friend request, we will be there July 13-19
We will be there July 13-19.
7 more days!! Are we there yet??