Glad to see you guys booked. It’s gonna be a great group as usual.
It is open to everyone. It is right beside Bash which is great after dancing all night long.
The tub was like warm at best in Sept. However we along with a group of people were having a pretty good time and no security was bothering with...
Feb 16 - 24 Number in party 2 Boobs Cruise: Yes
Yeah. Can't wait to see you guys
Never too early. Booked 16-24th
See they're working already. Lol
:)Getting some friend makers ready. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
You may have re-opened a big debate on week 8. The last time this came up it when on for quite awhile. We sort of consider ourselves part of the...
Gonna be trip # 9 for us.
Hey saw your post. We'll be there Feb 16-24th. There is a group of us that go that time every year now and this will personally be our 11th trip...
You'll have a great time and meet tons of great people. We have made so many friends there that we now travel to see and travel other places...
Well we'll miss you that trip. We're currently set for Sept 1-9 and Feb 16-24. If your husband wants to try out Cancun Scuba send me a pm and I...
Hey guys, I use Cancun Scuba. It is only a couple minutes on the bus from the resort. It is not to be confused with Scuba Cancun. Cancun Scuba is...
Hey guys, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We were away for a few days visiting some TTR Friends in Kentucky and haven't gotten on the...
Sept 1-9 Jay & Jacquie Definitely hoping for a Boobs Cruise
We're booked for Sept 1-9. Still got the fingers crossed that it will be up and running. Looking forward to meeting new friends and having some...
Yes that is the current referral rate for February. There will be a group of about 16 of us Feb 16-25th.
Don't know how you two could manage two years without this place. Lol Think we've been 4 times in that span. Already have room booked for Sept...
We're up to at least 12 from TTR there now Mustafa. Working on getting the group bigger. Now we have to work on getting a boobs cruise set up for...