Welcome to the Shitshow group. Look forward to meeting you. Come join the thread for this group. ***February ShitShow2019 *** Jay & Jacquie
We’re there 15th-23rd for the Shitshow week. It is an awesome group of people. The week before is The No Bra Club week and we know many of the...
I shave it all off. Takes forever as I’m a Sasquatch but worth it while on vacation. Then just keep it shaved every couple days while there. Lots...
Great post Wally.
Time for a bump up. How’s the costumes coming? Jacquie’s got the Plaid and Ninja turtles done. Almost done rave/glow and we have paint and paint...
May 18-25 for us. Trip #15
Haha, nobody asks The Gay Barracuda! He planted one on me, straight on the lips on the boobs Cruise. Turned around and bam he got me. Think the...
Mrs ran into a co-manager at Paty’Os two minutes after we arrived. First two days of that trip were a little awkward.
We’re in. Feb 18th for 4 of us
Fly Interjet, booze is free no matter where you sit. They are cheap and we’ve had great luck with them.
Glow paint pre party YES 80’s exercise Working on it Sexy ninja turtles Doubtful probably do something Super hero ABC doubtful, probably stick...
Just booked May 18 - 25 Trip #15
Friends & family know exactly where we go. It’s our lives and we live em’ They dont approve or like it, too bad.
That would be awesome for white night too.
Sky 3.5 is free also if you’re a member but there is no reason to go up there unless you’re with a group of friends or want to get away for some...
We had the Moon paints from before. Ordered the face crayons (Moon) and other stuff from Amazon.ca
We are all set for the pre Glow night paint party! Have glow paint, face marking glow crayons and face stencils on order. All to share of course....
Need to find someone who’s staying in one of the suits. Big room, booze and your all set.
Feb 15 - 23 Number in group 2 Boobs Cruise. Yes
I think a heard of unicorns at TTR might cause a lot of strokes and heart-attacks.