Well I am twice your size!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
So - The Headline would read: "Woman's Life Saved by 3 C Batteries - Airport Security has no comment" :wavey:
I have big ones, short ones, fat ones, skinny ones...... wait, are we talking about "whips", I'm sorry..I must have drifted off.... LOL Uh - -...
What?? No "It's A Whole New World"????? chicken...... LOL You know you want to..... LOL :P
So should we add "Smack That - Akon" to the music list??? :flash: L :wink: L
:huh: Who knew that just the mere mention of a song could lead to spanking... Count me in!!!!! Everyone else line up behind me :ass:
Well that would be great news if they have made changes in that area - - as I don't know how the hell I would get up at 8am after a day booze...
Okay...here is a list of songs that would be great to hear on the boat or the club. 1 will have to be club only - but I'm sure the girls I know...
Tom and I will be there with the crew from 4/30 - 5/4..... WOOHOO I've already bought too many bathing suits - - with tops! LOL Hope to...
HUGE group of us will be arriving around the 30th (well that is when Tom & I get there)...and staying from anywhere from 5-7 days. Hope to catch...
Being a single woman at the time - I was there last September for Labor Day, with a large group of people. (And about 40 of us will be there...
I think I can speak for everyone when I say "The More the Merrier"... so please do find us - - apparently there will be so many of us there, we...
Okay Rob... if I can do it...YOU can do it!!! Go Rob Go!! :bounce2:
OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing the Happy Dance! :lotsofmichaelf:
Ok..I turned ON the BBCode on the profile. Now I have pasted that code to the signature line... Did it work???
Uh - - yes.... and I've tried it with all 3 codes given. HTML just goes back to blank when I paste into my signature line... I paste it......
well it's either 3rd time is a charm..or 3 strikes i'm out.... and then I'm with Rob and say F It! Gave it my best shot....LOL
Dang....lets try it this way....
Okay..if everyone else is gonna play - I wanna play too.... let's see if this blonde got it figured out...LOL
I'm so GLAD I don't have a single memory of that episode. But I'm even happier that I entertained the crowd without showing my ass....wait, maybe...