Haha me too!
Haha! I'm not Sure what he wants to do for his birthday.. I know we definitely want to try coco bongos. But that will be another night. Just...
Well he is a real dick most of the time so that may be an issue :p
I meant other bars in cancun.. Hopefully he will be okay in TTR bars.. It has a fan within the suit so hopefully it won't be too sweaty haha!
Great thank you!!
Thats a great idea!! Will definitely do that! Shame you guys won't be there
I'll have to get him a name tag!
Yeah mine too. The costume will just make him a bigger one haha!
Plus.. Everyone is welcome to join for drinks for his birthday!!!
So.. It's alans 40th birthday party on 30th August whilst we are at temptations.. And I'm a bit of a joker so I've ordered him a giant inflatable...
Hopefully! Come say hello if you see us :D
29th Aug - 12th Sept for us first timers! See you there
Will do! See you there
Y Yes we are scousers from Liverpool haha! See you soon looking forward to it! :)
Temptations 29th Aug - 12th sept
See you guys there!!