April 25-May 2!!!! 4th trip!
They're just as many lifestyle people at TTR then there is at your grocery store! Only thing different is at TTR they're topless and drinking (...
176 OMG hurry up!
April 25-May 2! Our 4 trip, it's starting to be an addiction!
24 hrs!
When in doubt drink beer and enjoy the company!
Well since you're making another trip to TTR I'm thinking she's a little more comfortable with it now! LOL. I'm sure we can offer plenty of...
We arrive the 24th our 3rd trip, celebrating our 25th anniversary, Lush Tower room!
You guys decide on Boobs cruise yet? Are you in the Tower?
Nope, nobody came forward, we're doing the same! See ya there!
We arrive the 24th, boobs cruise the 27th! See you there!
Let's pump those rookie numbers up on September 27! We're bringing newbies and they need the experience! Grab your new friends you made at the...
11 days!!!!!
18 days! :marshe::p
Sept 24-30, celebrating our 25th Anniversary
Under 30 days now! See you in the sexy pool on the 24th!
Under the 30 day mark!!!! We'll see you all in the sexy pool on the 24th!
Sept 24-30 but I agree with our friends FakeNews, jump on the Sept roll call