Hey N! I'm travelling solo - my second trip to TTR. You guys will love it. Nothing like it and I'm sure you've been getting lots of feedback...
I heard that "cabin fever"...YIKES! Bring on the sun and fun!
Yes and don't they deep fry everything across the pond? ;)
Awesome report - thanks for sharing!
Great minds...
I was only at Temptation once this xmas past and let me tell you, if it weren't for those late night burgers (seems I didn't eat much during the...
Oh Woodman, would be nice but can't swing that. Is okay - will make up for it on dry land. :aktion033:
I can't believe I'm going to miss the Cruise for the second time! Drat! Hey Deb & Jeff looks like we may meet again...glad you booked!
Hear Hear!:aktion033: I went by myself just Xmas past and the whole place is sexy - there's just a sexy vibe to it - no worries - you'll have an...
It isn't so...don't take that at heart - the weather changes daily and it will change for the better. Best!
That's too bad - would have been a laugh for sure. Oh well, perhaps our paths will cross another time. Have the best time possible! Cheers!
Hey Sandy T. I'm originally from Newfoundland...when are you going? Would love to hang with a fellow Newfoundlander.
Hey there Tere! Have you made any decisions on your trip yet?
Just got added to The Woodman's mailing list - two words A MAZING! Glad to be added to the group and I knew I picked the right dates. WOO HOO! A...
Hey Partydoll! That's for that invite. Nice to hear. I'm booked for my second trip and I have to admit, the April Addicts people seem like...
Hi Tere! When are you going again? Anytime soon? I've just rebooked.
Booked - April 18-23rd Second Trip for me - looking forward to meeting some fun people and fun times! Cheers! Just HAD to get in on all this April...
Looking forward as well. Luv the outfit by the way - it rocks! Woo Hoo! :huepfen013: