So, what are you guys doing for the excursions? Is everyone doing the all-day resort options? Also, what are your thoughts on drink packages? At...
We just signed up for the March Bliss cruise. See some of you guys there!
Checking prices now and they are about 50% higher than they were last time we went in October..
Was checking pricing for April. Even with their promos, it's still around $600 per night. :ranting1:
We will almost certainly try DRM next April. Worried that it will sell out early, however.
I guess you missed that day when there were 3 totally stripped down girls on the island. Poor security couldn't do much about it. :aktion033:
While I suppose the summer people will enjoy the change, we've always loved Paty'O being outside. I just can't imagine the same vibe indoors with...
Check out Naughty in N'awlings..
Seeing this thread makes me wonder what you, Steve, will do during this layoff. I can't imagine that no boobs cruises for 10 months will be good...
Incidentally, there are THREE porno channels now. :)
I for one don't mind a 20% price increase for better food/amenities/whatnot. But I wish they were not closing for so long. We have loved every...
Awesome cruise guys!! :cheerleaders:
We're flying tomorrow out of Miami!
One more week! :huepfen021:
Great report!
Long, detailed, lots of pictures!
What happened to your 2015 pics? You guys are slacking! :icon_razz:
We are in! Let's get the big boat!! :cheerleaders:
4 weeks from today!
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