Happy Birthday on the 30th!!
You will have an awesome time. We always do.
Your photos look like you all can have fun. Can't wait to meet you. Ron and Dianne
Time is passing faster now!! Not long till the party
There is always this discussion about pics or no pics. Lots of people say they want to be able to "recognize someone' when they get to TTR. The...
Not trying to bump you!! We can't wait to party with you all.
I know and understand Steve. Additionally, no matter what dates you pick, someone is coming in too late and some people are leaving too soon. We...
I agree, we are going to try also. Thursdays are just already a great day
Ron and Dianne 2 for the 28th unless Steve is kind enough to move this date to Mon 25, Tue 26 or Wed 27. Thur Lingerie night is not a good...
Tuesdays are a great day for the cruise. You have recovered on Sunday from Saturday night, Mondays are slow. You are recharged and ready to go...
The SECOND time you watch that video, you notice the crowd. Look closely, it is either a gay resort or no women attended. In either case, almost...
Hello, we are going to be there May 23 to May 30. Look forward to meeting you. We are planning on the 28th Boobs Cruise.
OK, there has to be more than two couples coming in the last week of May!!
Our anniversary is May 14. We will definitely save you a few drinks.
May 23-May 31 Boobs cruise on 28th probable. Ron and Dianne
Thanks JimnLisa, missed a day. I added it. Look forward to meeting you on the 27th.
Hey you two. Hope you made it home safe. Send me a message so I can give you my email address so you can send me the photos you took of us on...
It is always a pain to keep scrolling through the Sticky May Roll Call to get down to your dates and try to put together who will be there on your...
Would love to see the 28th moved to 26th. Tuesdays are dead and Thursdays are bad days for Boobs Cruise because it is lingerie night. HINT...
Rest easy. You are on the boat and can get as involved and as close to any craziness as you want. You can also stand back and watch or hang at...