Friday September 30 White & Glow Sat. October 1 Pink Night Sun October 2 LBD Mon October 3 red night Tue. October 4 corset night Wed...
Everyone should post in here now It just makes sure...
Hotel: Golden Parnassus Dates: Sept 30 to Oct 7 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes Oct 4th if possible
Could you find out if any are interested in a boobs cruise on October 4th. We really want to get the numbers for this cruise. Thanks.
Two here also
Were in for the 4th..
I think we have step up our game in here so Steve knows we need Boobs cruises in October.
We are booked Sept 30th to Oct 7th
Can you change lens300 to sept 30 to October 7th thanks.
Mark and Thelma GP sept 30th to Oct 7th
I miss seeing this one at the top for almost a year. Now sadly its on the second or third page.
Sorry most of this group moved to golden.
the more the merrier!!
It looks like they are going Sept 28th to Oct 4th
Liquor Whipped - Vodka Infused Whipped Cream
I think we have 8 couples going for the first week of October. Theme nights are posted earlier in in this thread.
Is it to early to start a Octoberbreast 2017 thread yet? Just got the confirmation of my Sept 30th to Oct 7th 2017. New TTR here we come.
This is the very early list for themes. Fri Sept 30. White & glow Sat Oct 1 pink night Sun Oct 2 LBD night Mon Oct 3 red night Tue Oct 4 corset...
there is a bunch of us at GP for the first week of October. check in here Golden Parnassus Forum | Cancuncare Forum
This group is going to GP the first week of October.