We found the pool temp just about perfect but the hot tub was cool. We bugged maintenance one day and they put it up to 95. The far end near the...
Have you had much interaction with Martin the entertainment guy. He was having a lot of fun with us. I guess that happens when people participate.
Great Trip report. I think that after our group we broke the ice for you guys. We only had issues with management asking us to put the tops back...
Thank so Steve and Janet. We had a great time today. It made the whole trip.
This I posted in a GP facebook forum also. Just thought you should know. So we got the talk today about being topless at the pool. We argued...
Tonight there wasn't much of a party. We ended up the hot tub by the beach. Around the tiki bar there are people but they are all just sitting...
[MEDIA] Already in the lobby
Are you guys going on the Boobs Cruise on the 4th?
Check this out. http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/29921-what-should-we-bring-boobs-cruise.html Some good info. You said...
The only thing not to miss is this....
There are 12 or more of us arriving on the 30th.
For all of us that will be going from GP if you are interested in sharing a ride please post. I am just trying to see how many.
Dont forget about the boobs cruise on Oct 4th
There is a group of us at the Golden. We are also booked for the boobs cruise on the 4th
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-exiles/35626-cancuncare-boobs-cruise-tuesday-4th-october-provisional.html All the info is in there.
Dont forget there is a boobs cruise on october 4th. We need some numbers to make it happen.
There is a group at GP the same time you will be there. Dont forget about the boobs cruise Oct 4th. Post in here so everyone will know when you...
Deposit paid
We will be at RM for a day pass on October 5th. Looking forward to seeing everyone and checking out the resort.
Friday September 30 White & Glow Sat. October 1 Pink Night Sun October 2 LBD Mon October 3 red night. +ROOM Crawl Tue. October 4 corset...