Good to know, we want to go out a day when we're there in January!
I'm so game for a jello wrestling match!
I've got jacuzzi rooms in the past (not at ttr) but other resorts and ended up never even using it because the room is just where you crashed For...
I'll upload what I'm rocking right now for movember in my album, take a look. If I can do it anyone can!
Oasis cancun in January had a good mix last year. I was there twice once in January once in march. March was too "cliquey" and the spring breakers...
Mustache is a mark of the man. Make the right choice.
What's the etiquette on banana hammocks? :p
We would be down if its after the 8th. We won't be there until then.
Liking the sounds of this! Thanks for the info!
Planning on being there from January 8-15!
My girlfriend and I are checking out what temptations has to offer these dates! Just wondering if anyone else is heading there it has some tips...